Quiktrip near me now

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Quiktrip near me now

2023-03-08 05:53| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Quiktrip near me now

Mostly vintage photographs from around South Afrca

2012.02.22 23:44 TheWox Mostly vintage photographs from around South Afrca


2008.08.26 21:22 Independent Baseball

Your center for Independent Baseball throughout the United States of America and Canada. [link]

2022.10.20 02:54 okbuddyblackadam

okbuddyblackadam is for the biggest blackadam fans ever (me) to talk about dwayne the rock johnson in his new hit movie 2022 black adam out now in cinema near you i love black adam [link]

2023.03.07 22:52 Huge-Feedback-6618 I broke NC. Break up was my fault.

I broke NC today. I asked my ex the reason for the break up and I was told one of the factors is me sending him profanity directed at him during an argument via chat ,I was very mad and accidentally said some bad words. I was drunk, and I didnt mean it. Argument was because of his girl friends saying they like him even though we're in a relationship. I know Im a jerk,and ultimately it made him see me in a different light after saying those. He told me that I need to finish therapy then we can talk again. I love him very much and that was the only time that I said curse words at him. Did I fuck it all up? He tried to kill himself during our relationship and had episodes (we're both depressed) and I stayed with him through all of it,Im just surprised that he ended things that fast. Thank you guys,need some insight since Im very hurt right now. Thank you. submitted by Huge-Feedback-6618 to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2023.03.07 22:52 Organic-Anybody2945 Sales

I work in a sales role with great bonus structure and high pressure. Anyway I was pitching a customer in their home to buy my product which is an alarm system. It got to the point where the customer, who is disabled and bound to a wheelchair, wanted to buy the alarm but couldn’t afford it unless they sacrificed buying a new wheelchair for themselves as the one they were in at the time was broken. I pressured the customer heavily into buying the alarm so they couldn’t buy their new wheelchair and now the customer is annoyed and wants me to pay for them to get a new wheelchair and keep phoning my office about it and sending me written letters at work. They’re now threatening legal action and saying they’ll take me to court to get me to buy them the wheelchair. Can they do that??? What should I do submitted by Organic-Anybody2945 to salestechniques [link] [comments]

2023.03.07 22:52 Ok_Consideration_242 False Claims in Zoom Meeting with Corporate

I work for a car dealership, and I manage the digital media side for our online advertising. Which mostly means I take a lot of photos and videos of the cars in our inventory. I get to play with the fancy cameras and drones to do most of my shoots. I also have the best computers in the dealership, so as to be able to edit and touch up any photos and vids. After which I upload the pics and vids to our Digital Marketing System that handles most of our postings on various car selling websites as well as our own. Professionally, I get a long great with most of the other managers. Except for one. For some reason the Internet Sales Team Leader has it out for me. She really fucking hates me. She has tried several times to get me fired for trivial and inane reasons, most of which were beyond my control. I do not know why she has it out for me and I, honestly, do not care. Today our entire management team was on a Zoom meeting with our Regional VP and several other corporate executives from HQ in Detroit. Like I said we use a Digital Marketing System to handle majority of our online presence and this one is fairly new. We used to have four DMSs, all working together and handling different aspects of our marketing, but now we have a NEW one. New means kinks have to be worked out and errors need to be corrected. Since I have been a Beta tester for the past year. Corporate recognized me for my work with our current Digital Marketing System and the system's Development Team. ISTL chimes in and makes a pointless remark about how I actually using another company's DMS for my uploads. A company that is a direct competitor to our current DMS and one we stopped using well over a year ago at the orders from Corporate. My General Manager looked at me livid. He muted us on the call to ask me if I was using the old DMS. Before I could answer Regional VP asked me the same thing. GM unmuted the call. I answered that I have not used the competitor's DMS ever since our training session last year. I even had my login dates, activity log, and emails to prove it. Again, ISTL interjected that I have been using the other DMS. To which I snapped back at her with "How do you know what system I use?" She glanced around the room, then at the screen and saw that all eyes were now entirely focused on her. She meekly replied she must have been mistaken. She then got up and ran out of the room. The meeting continued without a hitch and ended soon after. Again, I do not know what might have provoked this false and baseless accusation. But I told my GM that I am going to file a complaint with HR. He said he will back my account of the event. This incident is not the first time she has made such frivolous claims about my work, but this is the first time she tried something in front of our higher ups. All in all, this is my second complaint about her to HR and we will see if anything will come about it. I highly doubt it get her terminated, but one can only hope. submitted by Ok_Consideration_242 to work [link] [comments]

2023.03.07 22:52 Ahole4Sure Network Design and 4 Port pFsense Device

I have a new 4 port pFsense firewall and I have been setting up a new network for my daughter's new business. Initially I was planning to have the first port as a WAN and then bridge the other 3 ports as on LAN (bridge). 10.10.1.x The other complicating factor is doing the work currently over long distance. Then decided to use one port (Opt3) for creating a "Camera" subnet 10.10.10.x I think I may have messed up the Bridge that I had initially created with Opt1, Opt2, and Opt3 whne I tried to just change the bridge to include Opt1 and Opt2. The oother weird thing is that I finally was able to get my daughter to send pics and Opt3 (the camera subnet appears to correspond to the second port (marked eth1) on the 4 port device. [the device has 4 ports marked eth0 (which is for sure the WAN port). eth1 (which seems to be the camera port and corresponds to Opt3) , eth2 and eth3 My question is - should I just create a differnt subnet for each port? Can subnets talk to each without issue with proper Rules??) port 1 = WAN port 2 = connected to the IP camera POE switch port 3 = connected to my synology NAS (which acts as my NVR using Surveillance Station) port 4 = Eero wireless router (have been operating in Bridge Mode to avoid double NAT) but does have a "Guest Mode" to prevent guest access to the network ​ Sorry for length - should I now just give static IP addresses to each port and use 4 different subnets? The problems started today when my daughter called to tell me there was no internet access on the WiFi (seem to happen after I altered the bridge setup) submitted by Ahole4Sure to PFSENSE [link] [comments]

2023.03.07 22:51 AtDSpecialEvents [Event] Ser Aldric 12th Month 157 AC - 1st Month 158 AC Open RP

As the year began to close, Ser Aldric of Sweetsister had begun to grow restless in the capital. Training Prince Daeron filled most of his time, yet there were still gaps of time where the lowly knight could be found wandering the halls of the Red Keep. He was scarcely seen interacting with anyone else outside of the courtyards of the capital, yet there was a wonder if now would be the time for him to spread his reach a little further. One of his first orders of new business, was to send a request to the King himself via one of his servants. "I wish to ask His Grace to have leave to show Prince Daeron around city.", he'd ask of whatever poor servant would cross his way, late in the afternoon. "If he doesn't feel comfortable leaving him with me, then I'd be glad to have one of the Kingsguard come along as well. Just let him know that I wish to show the future King his people, in broad daylight and face to face. Can you do that for me?" This is an Open RP Thread as well, and people are free to interact with Ser Aldric if they wish. submitted by AtDSpecialEvents to AfterTheDance [link] [comments]

2023.03.07 22:51 nickytheginger It's a dump, stop protecting it.

Look, I know there are some important and very significant building in the world that need to be protected, but I am not talking about those. I am talking about the dumps that, though they look pretty, are just ruins now. The only thing left is the outside. Or sometimes not even that. Just a peeling façade of what once looked nice. The insides are f*&%ed and people won't even think of buying becuase the cost of fixing them up is too high. I would love to see these buildings restored, but the fact of the matter is that it's not just been years of waiting for the mythical buyer to show, but decades. Stop wasting time, money and the good will of those living near these crap holes and just let it go. submitted by nickytheginger to ControversialOpinions [link] [comments]

2023.03.07 22:51 fireswordg4 am i the bad apple for being ticked with how my exes boyfriend treated her and then was called jelous

So this pass Sunday I went to church as normal. Well me and my mom sit next to my ex because it's been like this for two years already. Before this I was informed that my ex was brining her boyfriend to church (I rolled my eyes because of something he said before) well I behaved myself. But the preacher said to the crowd that if there are any married couples or spouses out there to give each other a quick kiss. Well the boyfriend did a little bit more than a quick kiss and my stomach lurched. So while in the service he kept looking at me so did she well I accidentally sent a glare there way. I caught myself as I did it and I was freaking out because this kid is bigger than I am and probably could hurt me quickly. Well anyway the end of the service came and I noticed that he was sorta controlling her actions and what not. I wanted to say something but I chose not to becuase I wanted to be respectful. Well while we went to pick up my baby cousin and her friends daughter. He was very close to her almost like he was waiting for me to do something. I started to talk with her and I seen him glare at me because I knew she told him things that were true about me. One being that I was very controlling and how I had left scars on her body. well when I had asked to see these said scars she said that they disappeared somehow. Now this is where the jealousy comment comes in. I get my baby cousin. She tells her boyfriend that before we had broke up the church thought we were the parents. He then says that i must be jealous that im not with her anymore. I said some words that I shouldn't have but I ended up finishing it with "you can have her cheating butt I don't need that in my life anymore buckaroo". He got ticked but then calmed down and tried to say she never cheated on me. See I have an alabi that says she did cheat but he didn't want to listen and stood by that I was jealous. I ended up saying how he was being controlling and how I didn't like how he treated my friend. He ended up saying something like this " I can treat her how I want to and if she doesn't like it I don't care she knew what she signed up for" I ended up dropping it. She texted me that night and said that I was out of line for saying what I said and how it hurt his feelings and that I'm a dirt bag and soulless person so I gotta ask. am i the bad apple for being ticked with how my exes boyfriend treated her and then was called jelous submitted by fireswordg4 to AmITheBadApple [link] [comments]

2023.03.07 22:51 bzrker94 I'm tired of my best friend barely giving thought to my feelings.

We've been friends from high school (about 18 years) and we've both been going through the struggles of adulting. Right now she's having a hard time because she moved across the country. I always try to provide a listening ear to her work, guy, family and friend problems. I listen when she wants me to and comment when she wants. I also have been going through a rough time with my depression and feeling stuck in every aspect of my life. This morning she messages me complaining and I listen diligently and try to support her as best as I can. About an hour ago she asks me how's my day going and mentions that hers is hot. I tell her I was crying and all she says is hush then follows up with a message that she going home soon. I'm so fucking tired of it because it's not the first time. I feel like I'm always the sounding board for my friends, helping them with their problems and trying to do my best all the whole I feel like I'm being crushed by the weight of the sky. submitted by bzrker94 to depression [link] [comments]

2023.03.07 22:51 Separate_Gur_6312 I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO

So i have this really annoying situation with my crush. I’m 90% sure she likes me back but we only started talking 3 months ago, she lives 5h away from me so we have never met (although we have talked about it a lot and want to meet up over the summer) and we have been texting daily for the past week. THE PROBLEM IS we send each other (🥰🤭❤️☺️) emojis all the time, we say stuff like ily, ml, ilysm and she always texts me good night and good morning. But now it feels strange since we’re not actually dating but we’re talking like we are because I definitely think there’s more than friendship going on but I don’t know if I should confess before i meet her in person. submitted by Separate_Gur_6312 to Crushes [link] [comments]

2023.03.07 22:51 myboimelvinmole [USA-CA] [H] CIB and Factory Sealed PS1, PS2, PS3 Games, N64 & GBA Loose Games, Skylanders Chase Figures, And A Few Misc. Collectibles [W] PayPal

I was going through my collection and found some stuff I'm willing to part with. Most are in very good shape and any major defects should be noted. Any items in photos but not on the text list have already been sold. Shipping is free for orders $75 and higher. Please let me know if you have any questions or want more photos of anything I'm happy to help! Timestamp ​ PS1 $80 - Sealed Codename: Tenka $15 - Sealed NBA Shootout 98 - Damaged, Case Broken $170 - Sealed R4 Ridge Type Racer $45 - Sealed Thunder Truck Rally $45 - Blasto (Excellent Condition) - CIB $40 - Final Doom - CIB $60 - Omega Boost - CIB $35 - Star Wars Jedi Power Battles - CIB w/ Cover Art (Red and Blue Lightsabers Clashing) $15 - Star Wars Masters of Teras Kasi - CIB $65 - The Super Dimension Fortress Macross Do You Remember Love - CIB $60 - Um Jammer Lammy - CIB ​ PS2 - All In Excellent Condition, Any Defects Noted $30 - Sealed Airblade $20 - Sealed Alias $20 - Sealed The Getaway Black Monday - Stickers on Seal $75 - Sealed Jak 3 - Black label, Greatest Hits Sticker on Seal (Unique, haven't seen others like it) $20 - Okami - CIB $10 - Superman Shadow of Apokolips - CIB $10 - Tomb Raider The Angel of Darkness - CIB ​ PS3 - All CIB $40 - Sealed Enchanted Arms $8 - Beyond Two Souls Steelbook - sticker on slipcover $8 - Call of Duty Black Ops $15 - God of War Collection - stickers on case $35 - Hyperdimension Neptunia $30 - Hyperdimension Neptunia Mk 2 - sticker on case $35 - Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory - sticker on case $8 - Need for Speed Most Wanted Limited Edition $5 - Ni no Kuni Wrath of the White Witch $8 - Prince of Persia $45 - The Sly Collection - Sticker on Box ​ N64 $150 - Bust A Move 2 - CIB w/ Poster and Reg Card (True CIB) $20 - Turok the Dinosaur Hunter - Loose, very clean $15 - Wave Race, Loose $5 - WCW vs NWO World Tour - Loose, very minor staining on back label ​ GBA/GBC - All Labels Very Nice $10 - Cartoon Network Block Party - w/ Manual $45 - Kirby and the Amazing Mirror - Loose $5 - Spongebob Squarepants and the Legend of the Lost Spatula - Loose $20 - Lot of 5 GBA games: Backyard Sports, Pirates of the Caribbean, Polly Pocket Super Splash Island, Namco Museum, and Spider-Man 2 ​ MISC. $20 - Sealed Assassin's Creed II Strategy Guide (Piggyback Interactive) $25 - Darksiders II Death's Door Hardcover Graphic Novel (Rare) $20 - Metal Gear Solid Sons of Liberty Volume Two Trade Paperback (IDW Comics, Rare - Out of Print), Sun Fading on Spine $40 - Pokemon The Electric Tale of Pikachu #1-4 (Complete) Viz Comics $275 - Lot of 150 Pokemon The Movie 2000 Non-Holo Cards (Near full set, missing 11 and 43) $100 - Sonic R Retail Box (Rare) - Sega PC, No Disc, Small Tear on Box but Otherwise Good Condition $20 - Street Fighter Legends Sakura Comic Lot - #1A, 1B, 2A, 2B $5 - Street Fighter II #4B - Udon Comics $20 - Street Fighter Eternal Challenge Art Book (Capcom) $15 - Soul Calibur IV Strategy Guide (Not For Resale - Rare) ​ SKYLANDER FIGURES - NIB unless stated otherwise Photos $165 - Lightning Rod Metallic $35 - Life Creation Crystal $275 - Cynder (Clear) - OPEN BOX $150 - Dinorang Silver - LOOSE $165 - Stink Bomb - OPEN BOX $40 - Hot Streak $65 - Hot Dog $300 - Bone Bash $90 - Fright Rider $160 - Eruptor Silver $80 per - Blackout (x2) $80 - Echo $50 - Light Trap (Variant) submitted by myboimelvinmole to GameSale [link] [comments]

2023.03.07 22:51 NoPhrase8410 Realtors showing house without asking.

I have had my house on market for almost 40 days in Sioux Falls, SD. I am currently living out of state and the house is vacant. As of today, I have now had 4 instances of realtors just walking into my home without asking to show the house. Im a little upset my own realtor is not handling this. What should I do? Im kind of at the point that if an offer is accepted that I should ask her to take a lower commission because of this. It just seems unsafe knowing there is no control of who is entering and exiting the house. (Other than my cameras telling me) or should I just get a new realtor? submitted by NoPhrase8410 to RealEstate [link] [comments]

2023.03.07 22:51 kakaowykotlet My classmates are writing apologies to me and idk how to respond

Teachers in my school found out about what my classmates were writhing about me in their private groups. I didnt even knew about it since yesterday, already 3 people sent me an apologies about how are they sorry and how should they protect me. But i know those are fake and not true, if the things and pics of me never came out they would not even think about any apology message. And now i dont know what to do about it, should i leave it alone or respond to them. I will also add that i never did anything to them, never spoke any bad word towards them. submitted by kakaowykotlet to bullying [link] [comments]

2023.03.07 22:51 sunflower543 Advice about antidepressants

Hi! I’ve tried to get in touch with my healthcare provider but the earlier they can get in touch with my apparently is Friday. Would I be okay taking half my daily antidepressant dosage instead of the whole thing? I have been taking a course of antidepressants for almost 6 weeks now and I’m finding that they actually make me worse than before I was on them, to the point where I can’t get out of bed or drink water some days. I don’t want to make any big choices without my healthcare provider, but I have a big assessment next week at university that I’d rather not defer. Basically, everyone close to me agrees that they aren’t working as they should, but would it be okay for me to drop my daily dosage from 50mg to 25mg for the next few days or should I stick it out until I speak to my GP? Any advice is really appreciated x submitted by sunflower543 to medical_advice [link] [comments]

2023.03.07 22:50 doitroygsbre Help preparing food for my non-vegan family

Any tips on how can I help teenage boys accept a more plant based diet? Context: I've been committed to living a vegan lifestyle for almost 2 months now. I made the decision to not drag my kids along with me while I tried to do this. The two reasons were that I didn't know enough at first to make them tasty, healthy food that they would eat, and I wasn't sure I could stick with it. My diet was a little bumpy at first, but I've mostly gotten the hang of it. The surprising thing (to me anyway) is how gross meat looks and feels now that I don't see it as food. It was kinda sudden too, which feels weird. I don't want to cook animal products anymore, but I also don't want to turn every meal into a fight. Plus, I want to avoid having my kids rebelling and going on a meat fueled bender when they go to someone else's house. submitted by doitroygsbre to AskVegans [link] [comments]

2023.03.07 22:50 Shatter_Their_World Blackbriar - Crimson Faces 2022

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zOVTkAMY9A ​ Blackbriar, the project of Zora Cock, singer, poet and partially, composer. My favorite gothic metal band. Nederlands. ”Crimson Faces” is the first song from their next album. I listen to them for years now, I consider Zora to be a genius. Perhaps the queen of gothic metal of today, at least for me. submitted by Shatter_Their_World to gothclub [link] [comments]

2023.03.07 22:50 BananaTeamLeader What’s the best song from each album?

For me personally: Gorillaz: 5/4 Demon Days: November Has Come D-Sides: Rockit Plastic Beach: Broken The Fall: Detroit Humanz: Andromeda The Now Now: Souk Eye Song Machine: PAC-MAN Cracker Island: Baby Queen submitted by BananaTeamLeader to gorillaz [link] [comments]

2023.03.07 22:50 Steamtrigger42 Best mouse recommended for low jitter and drift?

Disclaimer: I could be insane. Like totally nuts. Because this story won't make a lot of sense. 😵 But, here goes... So last week I noticed my Freewolf X7 drifting on my Legion 5 laptop. It was really weird because I've never noticed this before. Kind of hard to explain but I could just somehow feel like the mouse was not quite matching up with my hand movements on my desk. Usually when this happens, it has to do with irregularities in the tracking surface, or surface that's too dark. I tried different mouse pads, with and without mouse pads, tried switching USB ports. I even tried a replacement device (which I will get to in a bit here). It wasn't to where I could to tell for sure though. I thought I was losing it. Then I thought of way to sort of maybe test the callibration: wiggle the mouse in tiny circles without moving my hand/wrist and if it stays one-to-one with my hand motion, the mouse should remain in the same vicinity on screen. Well as I started doing this, the mouse started floating to the bottom right of the screen at a very steady rate. It was very obvious at this point it needed calibrating. Pretty irritating. :3 So what next? Plug in a wired mouse and try this and the mouse stays right in the target area on screen. Perfect, no problem. Any aim trainer enthusiasts reading this will probably catch on real quick here. Considering this mouse stowed away with me into work one day without me noticing and fell out, bouncing along the concrete floor, I could only assume it was having some irreparable issues from that day. I'm not too poor for a replacement mouse so I just reordered another one. Same type, no fuss. Yes I know, this is a cheap Chinese brand. Top result online for wireless mouse these days, esp. on eBay. Up until now though, I happened to think they were alright. The silent click is about my only complaint with it. Just not a fan. Granted it seems like quite a clever invention for some, I just prefer an audible click myself. I already had a spare that I use at work making this my 3rd and even ordered a similar one for a friend who was looking for the perfect deal. But the crazy thing is, the new one drifted in the exact same way once I plugged it in. So either mouse is too cheapo or my laptop has a bad driver for this model and just doesn't know the difference when I plug in a new one, or perhaps some other corrupted system software. Not sure. One thing is certain: how in the blazes did I never notice this horrible drifting and jitter before? 🤔 I have used these mice for a long time, even on my gaming desktop where I do heavy rendering, lots of work, even drawing in GIMP from time to time. That would be noticeable! GIMP is actually where I finally noticed it because this depends on accuracy so much. Granted it's not ideal. (Tablet preffered) but if you just need to slap some text on a meme or cut out something real quick, it gets the job done. Maybe it's just because I've been on the go with my laptop so much these days that I use this mouse way more than I used to. I really don't know. xD But I'm thinking about ditching wireless mouse or at least get a better one. I don't really know much about more expensive ones. But I also wondered, is it possible my laptop has some issue where it doesn't install wireless correctly? I have been nice to this machine since I got it in 2021. Lol, no reg hacks or any spooky business this time. All by-the-book. But since I've got so many gosh darn apps and plugins since this my backup system, makes me wonder if I have corrupted something at some point. Hope you guys have some input on a possibly bit higher-quality mouse (either wireless or just wired if that's better) that would be ideal for Legion laptop. :P I could just plug in a wired mouse and call it a day I suppose. I just got to thinking if there is maybe a wireless one that is really legit since it's convenient, but for all I know, most wireless is lousy by comparison and that could be the issue altogether. submitted by Steamtrigger42 to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2023.03.07 22:50 Fearless_Ad_5199 Start with MD

Hi! I have always been an anxious person. but after all the corona lockdowns my anxiety & agoraphobia are worse. I stay home alot because of my fear to go out. I know it is just a mind game once outside I have moments without worrying. Now I want to take action and get my life from a few years ago back. I was looking for anti-depressants & going to a psychologist. but I am anti meds & scared for the side effects. Can MD be the answer in combination with therapy for me? submitted by Fearless_Ad_5199 to psilocybin [link] [comments]

2023.03.07 22:50 PerceptionCritical78 am 27 years old, never had a girlfriend, i am mentally drained

i am 27 years old, below average in terms of looks, hairy, and short. i have never had a girlfriend, had some FWB with girls i was very not attracted to, i never came during sex, only after with my hand (rarely, hers, depends on the day). i did consider my standards to be quite high when i was younger, but now i would say they are normal. this pains me everyday, it feels like everyone else are so in love with their perfect partner, while i am here in the desert, almost begging for a drop of water, alone. i do know that there are many men like me, or even worse, it doesn't make me feel better. i am so jealous of everyone that can express their love to their SO, it truly breaks me. ​ i do have hobbies i enjoy, and i do workout (started about a month ago, bodyweight exercises. dont have time or mental energy for the gym). i do have passions i still want to pursue, but they are mostly hobbies with only men so i dont see myself meeting a woman from them. ​ i strongly believe the idea that if you are not happy without a girlfriend, a girlfriend wont fix anything. you would still be sad, but now you just wont be single. BUT how can i be happy, when all i can think about is how alone i am? when all i see and hear about is people dating, going on vacations with their partner, even getting married. ​ i tried online dating, i do admit i did NOT put much effort into it, only have two pictures in it. i just cant find the mental energy to take photos, deep down i pretty much convinced myself it wont matter anyway so why bother. and as expected, very rare matches, and those matches either dont respond or immediately unmatch. i was rejected by every girl i ever wanted a relationship with (about 4 girls thus far), i do know that its a numbers game, and i need to meet more women to find my match. i just dont know how to make that happen. ​ i dont even believe i "deserve" a girlfriend at this point. why would any girl want me? i have a good personality (no, im not being nice to girls in the hopes that they will fuck me, i do believe i am a genuine good person, to everyone (men and women)), but with zero attraction, i dont think it even matters. how can ן expect to have a girlfriend that i am attracted to, when i am unattractive myself? i wish i was better looking, i do try to groom and take care of myself (i still have room to improve, but i do try), i wish i was taller, i wish girls would look at me with desire in their eyes, the same way i look at them. i think about it everyday ever since i was about 21, and im mentally exhausted. i dont even remember the last time i was happy. is my only option is to settle for a girl im not attracted to? that doesnt seem fair to her. will i ever get a girlfriend? am i too far gone? a lost cause? my confidence is miniscule, my self-esteem is awful, and my hopes are getting slimmer and slimmer every day. i feel defeated submitted by PerceptionCritical78 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2023.03.07 22:50 MossyMak Kcc told me it’s 10% off for medical for now on. 25% on Mondays for medical!!! Super good deal

submitted by MossyMak to MissouriMedical [link] [comments]

2023.03.07 22:49 rizbecca MIL keeps saying I love you, but I feel uncomfortable saying it back....

So background, my boyfriend and his mom are closer than I've seen any parent relationship. I would say it's borderline unhealthy because neither can keep a secret from the other, even when it's about me and not them. Everyone around them pretty much agrees with this dependency issue. She doesn't seem to have friends outside of him and his brother who still lives with her. They've gotten better at understanding boundaries. Especially since he moved in with me so she doesn't literally just drop by whenever all the time. Now with the baby on the way, she's (and him because I've seen texts before of him asking her and then him throwing her under the bus for whatever it was instead) been better at respecting what I need and want regarding space and privacy. I'm happy it's getting better and I am slowly getting more comfortable around her more frequently. She often says things that super bother me, but my partner doesn't notice or understand why it bothers me. An example is just unnecessary advice I didn't ask for and just makes me self conscience and pissed off, but she thinks is helpful. Knowing her past makes me want to do the opposite of whatever she thinks is right tbh. She also always says she's just dropping by but will stay for hours and invite herself to dinner which he doesn't mind, but I do typically. I still wouldn't say I'd choose to hang out with her except for the fact that it makes my partner so happy so I include her when I feel appropriate or take myself out of the equation when I can tell he needs to hang out with her. I know there's a lot to unpack there, but just mentioned for some background more than anything. Now the piece I need advice on, but I felt the rest was relevant because I don't want to discourage our progress. She keeps saying I love you to me too often and in person I'll typically say you too. But she keeps randomly texting it to me out of the blue and tbh, I don't love her yet... I mentioned this to my boyfriend (not the texting part). He was crushed and said he already loves my parents even though he hasn't met them or talked to my mom yet. I only said this because I don't like others around me when I'm sick unless I truly love and trust them and she was wanting to come over to hang out with us(him). Should I just suck it up and tell her I love her too each time? I know it would make her happy, but I don't want to feel like I'm lying. Every time I mention to him something that his mom does that makes me uncomfortable, he'll bring it up to her and it because this big awkward thing that just makes it worse and makes me feel like a bad person. Has anyone else gone through this?? submitted by rizbecca to pregnant [link] [comments]

2023.03.07 22:49 lapidash Desperately needing suggestions for home.

Hello, I’m F(21) and my dad is 67. We’ve always lived in the same house, but since mom passed in ‘09, the quality of our home has completely went to hell. Never cleaned, etc, and was never forced to pick up or have a daily routine. I recently got on new meds to help w depression and to overall motivate me to live a better life while I do counseling and other things. Dad and I both are severely mentally ill, but he has never got treatment. He is retired now, but does nothing all day. The state of our house is completely unlivable at this point, mold to where one room is completely closed off and I can’t breathe (I have asthma and severe allergies), it is also just filled with trash bags, etc. We have carpets in every room but kitchen and bathroom, all of which are completely destroyed, so much clutter to where it’s unbearable and there is no living space (house is only 800 sqft). Dad sleeps on the nastiest couch with the dogs (we adopted before mom passed). I want to completely tear down the house and build a new one. He just wants to start on fixing the house by “expanding the closed off bedroom”. We don’t have any appliances replaced because even if someone would come inside to help install, how would we even get around things. PLEASE, I am desperate for tips to start this project and I am young and clueless how to, I cannot live like this anymore. If all goes well, I will potentially have a job making $70,000+ soon (fingers crossed). We are well below poverty line, so all I can think about is how I want to make this place our new home. Thank you all. submitted by lapidash to HomeImprovement [link] [comments]

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